TINY POTTERS (sunday mornings)

On Sunday mornings, during our worship services, there is a creche for you and your little ones. There is a live link to the sermon, so you don’t miss out hearing the message. There are toys and friendly faces waiting to welcome you. It’s a great way to get to know other parents and carers within our church family.

LITTLE BRIDGES (tuesday mornings)

Little Bridges is our baby and toddler group that meets every Tuesday morning during term time from 10am - 11:45am at The Bridge Centre in The Function Suite by the back car park.

Fun and friendship are top of the agenda. A warm welcome is given to babies from birth, and to children up to school age, accompanied by a parent or carer. Starting with free play, a craft activity/sensory play followed by fruit and drinks at about 10.30am. 11.15am is tidy up time, then we end with singing and a story, sometimes a bible story. We are fully equipped with baby changing facilities.

The group is run by Potters Church volunteers who are DBS checked. We ask for £1 per family donation and 50p for hot drinks.

Why not join our Facebook page, Little Bridges, so you can keep up to date with our news.

For enquiries e-mail

We operate a sign-up system for Little Bridges. Visit our What’s On page by clicking here and select the session you wish to attend in order to sign up.