Our young adults (loosely defined as 18-30s) currently meet in the form of a life group. This life group meets on Wednesday evenings and their content is tailored to students and young adults. We love to learn, chat and pray together. We sometimes test our general knowledge at a local Pub Quiz. If you’re in this age and life stage, you’d be very welcome!


At Potters Church, our Sunday morning services are an important part of our life together as a worshipping community, but not the whole story. We think that to be a full part of our Potters Church community means to also be meeting in one of our ‘Life Groups’ as well, with a group of around 8 to 20 people, to talk about the Bible and Sunday’s message together, to pray for each other, and to be able to chat through the ups and downs of our lives with each other.

Some meet weekly, and some fortnightly, some on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings, some on Monday mornings, the important thing is that we spend regular time together with God and with each other in a small group. To us, it’s an essential part of building a strong relationship with God.


On Wednesday mornings, our craft club meets at the Bridge Centre in The Link Room between 10am and 12noon. It is run by Rosie. We use our skills to support a wide range of social projects including fundraising for UNMH neonatal unit and other city charities. Bring your own projects, share ideas and learn new skills. We ask for a donation of £1 and includes tea or coffee and biscuits. All abilities welcome.


Open House is a group in the 55+ age bracket who gather weekly in The Link Room at The Bridge Centre. We meet on Friday mornings between 10am and 12noon. Open House exists to engage with each other socially on a weekly basis, make new friends, enjoy a selection of activities and gain access to information such as healthcare and other issues relating to their particular needs.